Confident Canine - Nina, The Holistic Gundog Specialist

Have a dog with BIG emotions?

If your dog: - Struggles to cope with lead walking
- Doesn't recall well, or at all.
- Can't listen to you or engage with you when out and about
If you:
- Are frustrated, fed up, sad or confused
- Have has a dog with big emotions they can't control - Are interested in learning how to engage and stimulate your dog with more than just traditional techniques THEN THIS IS THE PLACE FOR YOU! Using a blend of positive, reward-based training techniques alongside holistic methods I show you how to create reactive recalls, harmonious loose lead walking and to bring peace to disconnected, reactive &/or stressed and anxious dogs.

Learn not only to educate your dog kindly but to take control of your end of the leash too, your emotions, your energy, it all matters!

Join me and enter our online support community "The Holistic Dog Club", become part of our online community with holistic training support for dog owners"

"Balancing both ends of the lead!"
Visit our Membership page for more information.

Want to find out a little more about how I can help you, why not sign up to receive 5 days of FREE recall tips via my mailing list? Just click the button below, easy peasy!

Does This Sound Familiar?

    • The stress of watching your dog ignore you when you call them, wondering if they are about to run off or get themselves into trouble?

    • Needing to plan ahead, check what is around every corner and constantly be prepared.

    • The total frustration of trying so hard to get your dog to just walk on a loose lead whilst they just drag forward ignoring your treats and pleading?

    • Do you have a dog that can’t walk on a loose lead, or can’t listen when they leave the house?

    • Do you worry about your anxious dog or panic that reactive is about to lose

    • Wish desperately that your dog could stop, rest, simply switch off?

    • Are you left feeling anxious, frustrated, tired of the bits of dog owning that just aren’t fun?

Do you wish you had a fairydogmother?

    • To help you out and support you

    • Give you the answers you seek

    • Help you to understand your dog

    • Teach you how to work with your dog to build the kind of relationship that really reflects the love that you share


Join us today inside our community today
and lets get you started!


Reactive Recall Training

Fed up of standing there calling your dog whilst it is still heading in the opposite direction? or hanging around waiting for them to finish what they are doing before they come back to you?

Understand all the common mistakes, I can guarantee you are making some of them if not ALL!

Then learn how to teach your dog the kind of recall that is reactive, they hear your call/whistle and shoot back to you fast as possible, without even thinking about it first!

Internal Overwhelm

Understand why your dog can't stay still for more than a second, why they can't settle, why they constantly seek their next task.

Then learn the right way to teach them to switch off. Build fluidity into their routines so they learn how to bounce between excited and quiet.

Reclaim your peace by giving them theirs!

Loose Lead Walking (LLW)

Teaching your dog to walk nicely with you need not be rocket science, it is one of the most common things that owners struggle with, especially with working breeds but it doesn't have to be that way.

Understand why your loose lead walking isn't working for you and your dog.

Then learn how to get it right, simply!
Techniques that really work.

What do my clients say about
working with me?


Ben with Snoop & Bo
"We were prompted to call Nina when it was becoming difficult to take our two boys on walks. One was reactive, fearful, lots of barking and lunging and his brother started to copy/join in. Walking was anxiety invoking,stressful and not particularly enjoyable. We saw improvements from our first training session. Snoop and Bo responded to Nina’s magic straight away. Seeing the results, it was a no brainer to continue. We all have benefitted from training in the short time we have been doing it and will definitely continue. Not only do the dogs get taught but so do we. It’s absolutely amazing to be able to work with Nina and we would highly recommend her to anyone with dog training needs."

Charlotte with Letty
"I would highly recommend Nina for any dog training needs. I go to her for dog training and I have seen my cocker spaniel transform but Nina has also helped us out with our everyday problems such as loose lead walking. She has a natural ability to really understand the mind of my cocker and how she thinks which has made progressing with her training so much smoother! Thank you Nina!"

Kay with Holly
"Nina has taught me so much with my young Springer. Have now had six springers, all different and Nina has supported me with a number of challenges with our number six!! e.g. bad lead pulling having exhausted other training methods, very high bird prey drive, poor recall. After three visits really turning a corner with new techniques and different ways of approaching things linking to the way the dog thinks and her instincts. So really working with the dog and not feeling its a 'battle of wills'. I highly recommend Nina as well worthwhile and such a fun session too."
years of experience

About Nina, The Holistic Gundog Specialist

I got my first gundog around 15+ years ago, he was amazing, and a baptism of fire! I had no clue what I was doing and he was a working boy at heart.

I had problems with him on lead, I wish it was just dragging me around but he had a worse habit of just launching himself off the end of the lead when I wasn’t expecting it, at 36kilos he was killing my shoulders.

Recall was a challenge but I’ll be honest it wasn’t our most difficult one.

What was harder were lots of random behaviours he had, obsessing about leaves that moved when we walked, or stressing when left, or being more than a handful at puppy class then later gundog classes, to the point I actually walked out of one half way through!

I went to so many trainers and had so many awful experiences, especially with gundog trainers, that I eventually broke out on my own, I learnt what I could, I went back to my roots as a Reiki Master/Teacher and we created a different more gentle bond, I trained him to Trick Dog Champion level, he placed in working tests, worked on rough shoots, competed and won lots at agility and much more.

But all that only came after I gave up following what I now know is outdated training based on dominance theory (which has been thoroughly debunked) and I focused on us, I chose heart centred methods alongside positive reward-based training and never looked back.

Whilst I specialist in gundogs, my holistic approach is applicable to all breeds so whatever breed of dog you have, come on and dive in!

My Mission

To ensure that no other dog or owner has to go through what I went through with my boy, no leash yanking, no shouting, no harsh handling. Just kind training, positive, reward-based methods and teaching owners and dogs how to speak each others language!

Decoding your dog for you and helping your dog understand what you are trying to communicate to them.

My Vision

A world full of positively trained dogs, happy dogs who can rely on their owners to listen, who feel seen and understood.

A world full of owners that understand their dogs, take the time to listen and give them space to learn without pressure, who understand their dogs as sentient beings with feelings and emotions.

A world where there is balance at both ends of the lead.

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